fredag 28 mars 2008

The story behind it all...

I guess it was in February that a class mate, J, came running into the computer lab at the university with a note about this class in Geomorphology. If you took that class you would get the opportunity to spend a month in New Zealand. Since I've been wanting to go for at least 10 years I could not resist to sign up for the class.

We are only two taking the class since J who suggested that we would go couldn't go in the end. :o(
But since 10 or 12 other people are coming too to write there bachelor thesis we won't be all alone though except for about a week when we are going to do our field work on the south island. We are not really sure about what we are going to do yet, but it has to do with the geomorphology of New Zealand. :o) Hopefully we will get a more precise idea on the very long flight over there!

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