onsdag 9 april 2008

Banks peninsula!!!

We have finally left the group and are doing the South Island all by ourselves. While the others have left for the North Island and Napier we are studying the SI more carefully. Banks peninsula have been the target for today (and probably for some time tomorrow). It is made up of two old shield volcanoes that have been eroded since Tertiary. We are staying at this beautiful hostel in Barry's Bay. We recommended it very much!!!

I've driven our Mazda for the first time today. I think Y survived the ride. I thinkn it went pretty well, but I have not dealt with any intersections and stuff like that yet. It is really confusing to have the blinker on the right side though.

This place actually has a wireless Internet connection (that is free) so I will do another try at uploading some images.

Our next plan is to do the Mount Cook route again. Our eyes were not really trained last time we drove that road so we are giving it another try. After that we are doing the Arthur's Pass or Lewis' Pass route.

On Thursday of next week we will take the ferry over to the North Island to meet up with the others at Napier before some touring of the island.

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