onsdag 9 maj 2012

A long walk before lunch!

We met J.R. by Ground Zero at 2:45 PM for a late lunch. Our plan was to walk to a place called Chelsea Market. It ended up being a very long but interesting walk along the western side of Manhattan (we partly walked in our footsteps from the morning). I think we finally had our lunch around 4 PM. But it was worth the wait and the walk through a beautiful and different part of Manhattan!

We also got some action when a woman came out of a restaurant on the way screaming to stop those two men that just ran passed us (with her bag apparently). The most fascinating was how many people on the street all called the police to help. So typically not Swedish!

My favourite building that I saw on our long walk

Chelsea Market (9th Av. 15th St)

Enjoying a sea food inspired lunch

My pre-course...sushi

Carrot cake outside in the rain!

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