tisdag 8 maj 2012

Times Square

Times Square wasn't really what we expected, maybe that's because we are used to see it in the dark on TV. But it still cool to be there and take in the atmosphere. Bjorne went back Monday night when it was dark. I'll also have to go back in the dark!

Times Square

I was here!
 I couldn't find a better Starbucks to buy some New York mugs than the one by Times Square.

Starbucks at Times Square (one of them)

At first I didn't like this one, but then I discovered the yellow cab and couldn't resist the mug anymore

The standard city mug, but one of the nicer ones I have
 We found a three stories M&M store at Times Square. Lots of stuff, not too much candy though!
 If I was going to join the U.S. Militay I would certainly do it at Times Square!

U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Station

The entrance to the recruiting station with a poster of Uncle Sam saying "I want you"

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