söndag 8 juli 2012

Another lazy day in the sun!

Even though we didn't sleep in like yesterday we didn't get out of the apartment until 1 PM (Megan went to Yoga in the morning, then we saw pieces of the rerun of the men's Wimbledon final, and we had our first two games of crib...I got skunked the first time and just made it with one peg the second game).

Megan dealing for our crib game.

Megan took me to a park to teach me how to through a frisbee. She is on a Ultimate Frisbee team and is really good at it. Some of her team friends also showed up. I let them play on their own for a while so I could look what it actually should look like instead of concentrating on my own through. I then also had the opportunity to watch a baseball game going on next to the frisbee field which was fun too.

A few from Megan's Ultimate Frisbee team doing their thing.

After walking through Beacon Hill Park that has a stone bridge that looks like the one in Central Park in NYC and having ice-cream Megan and I headed downtown for some sweet potato fries...yummy!

Sweet potato fries and three different kinds of mayo.

With all that yummy food in our stomachs we needed some exercise and therefore headed over to Mt Douglas for a short hike and a beautiful view of Victoria and its surroundings. We did even see Mt Baker in Washington State, but because if the haze (due to the forest fires in Colorado) I couldn't photograph it. We had a pretty awesome photo shoot up there! Jumping of course :)

I have the whole wide world in my hand.

Megan pretending to be a Ninja.

Shadows...Megan looks like a teenager with her hair like that :)

Since today seemed to be all about me getting to eat food I want to eat we ended the day with a dinner consisting of the best corn on the cob an BBQ grilled sandwiches (fresh corn in Sweden is nothing compared to corn here).

Best dinner ever!

Now we are heading to the ferry terminal at Schwartz Bay to pick up the lost sister Jaimie!

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