måndag 2 juli 2012

Bye bye Vancouver! Here I come Okanagan!

I enjoyed how you could make your own waffles at the hotel's breakfast. The waffle mix was already portioned too. I didn't have time to try it though so I don't know if they tasted any good!

When I finally got to meet all of my fellow passengers (about 55 of them) I quickly saw that I was the only non-Asian. For the first half of the day I was convinced that I was the only one needing translation into English and that everyone else was Chinese. But at one point when we were divided up into groups for information about the making of ice-wine I realized that there are five other people that don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese. Yeah! I'm not all alone! Oh no! I'm not as special anymore! Well I guess I'm still the only blond :)

Me on the bus, ready to go!

Leaving the Fraser Valley I had forgotten how magnificent the scenery is! Well maybe not forgotten since I'm well aware that everything is so much larger in Canada compared to Sweden. But I guess it is difficult to picture it in my head just how magnificent the enormous forest covered hills are. It takes my breath away every time! And we haven't even reached the Rocky Mountains yet!

The tour guide speaks for ever and ever in Mandarin, Cantonese or both...I can't really tell the difference before giving a shorter English version. I think my head may get a little bit tired every day from listening to hours of a (two) language (s) that I do not understand a single word of.

We arrived at our real first stop, Kelowna, at lunch time. I didn't sign up for the available meal plan (too expensive) and when everyone else went for Chinese food I took a walk downtown to find something else to eat. I guess my lunch from Safeway wasn't that exciting but it had lots of vegetables that I was craving at that moment.

After lunch we made a short stop by the harbor before heading to Summer Hill Organic Winery for some ice-wine tasting! Yummy! And a nice view from the winery's patio overlooking the preparations for a wedding and the Okanagan Lake. I ended up buying a small bottle of the Riesling ice-wine even though I liked the idea of buying the red ice-wine made out of Merlot. It wasn't as good in my opinion as the white though and much more expensive. I don't know if I got the facts straight but I thought the representative from the winery said that for 375 ml of ice-wine 30 l of grapes are needed. She also told us how many liters of grapes are needed for a bottle of regular wine which was pretty much nothing in comparison. No wonder ice-wine is expensive!

The best try of a picture where I jump today! Maybe Globe made me more unsuccessful than usual. This is by the harbor in Kelowna.

I think this installment was supposed to be a grizzly bear but I thought ut looked more like an ice bear. Still at the harbor!

Summer Hill Winery with the Okanagan Lake in the background!

I'm trying out the red ice-wine.

Globe with another globe outside the winery building. It was supposed to be some kind of small peace park.

Quatchi woke up by the time we were leaving.

Grapes...lots of them!

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