torsdag 12 juli 2012

Last day in Victoria with my favourite Canadian sisters

Jaimie and I played another game of tennis in the morning waiting for Megan doing a few hours work in her lab. The balls were even worse than last time but we made it work. Both our techniques changed to suit the balls better which we need to remember when we will play with better balls in the future.

While Megan and Jaimie went for a haircut I walked around downtown Victoria and sat by the harbour for while. Before leaving downtown I had another delicious yogurt experience and ended up buying two pairs of sandals. I think that will be it for my shopping since I came over here with 20 kg and probably has reached the 23 kg limit by now.

New hair cuts on beautiful girls.

After another culinary experience getting a Booster Juice we had lunch and then headed down to the beach Megan I spent four hours on my first day here. We played around for some time on the beach before walking along the beach on the walkway though in the other direction than Megan and I did the last time. Still a beautiful view of the snowy mountain peaks in Washington State but the haze from the forest fires in the US still makes is difficult to photograph.

Finally I got a Booster Juice!

Jaimie has been working her magic on Megan.

Quatchi and Globe came along to the beach.

Smile :)

Globe reaching for the sky

Megan is relaxing and Jaimie is looking at some cool miniature crabs in the ocean.

I'm staring to get a tan...finally!

In the evening we had a pick-nick dinner with a view. We together with Megan's roommate drove up Mount Douglas that Megan and I hiked up the other day and watched the sunset while eating goat cheese from Salt Spring Island, sourdough bread, raincoast crisps, hummus, salad and Tostidos with a taste of lime.

Pick-nick with a view.

Mount Baker in Washington State.

All for of the pick-nick ladies.

This was apparently a Canadian Geodetic Datum Mark. It made me remember all the pictures Ylva and I took in New Zealand of their marks.


The sunset through globe.


The sunset over the mountains/hills of Vancouver Island was of course beautiful and really a great way to end my stay here with Megan on Vancouver Island. Thanks Megan for all the adventures you taken me on this last week! I'll miss you, din lilla And thanks Jaimie for coming down for visiting Megan and me!

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